

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 


The Texicans

I remember a discussion on a forum I frequent about America's wars. I mentioned the War with Mexico as an example of a war based on the desire to steal land. I thought that maybe everyone would see that this was a bad war based on greed. I was wrong. While I did not find the defense that war received very coherent, a defense was made. Ultimately the defense seems to be the same one John Wayne gave in his infamous Playboy interview for the way we treated the Indians: "We needed the land, and the Indians selfishly wanted to keep it for themselves." (While I have not found a good reference for this, there are enough secondary references that I think he did say this.) 

Before we can discuss the War with Mexico, we need to discuss the Revolution of Texas. 

The movie that John Wayne starred in and directed naturally comes to mind in the context of the War with Mexico. That movie was The Alamo. As is natural in such propaganda efforts, the Mexicans were portrayed as evil. (It should be pointed out that Wayne married three Hispanic women.)

Here is what John Wayne's character said about the war:

“I may sound like a bible beater yelling up a revival at a river crossing camp meeting but that don’t change the truth none, there’s right and there’s wrong. You gotta do one or the other. You do the one and you’re living, you do the other and you may be walking around but you’re dead as a beaver hat.”

- Col. Davy Crockett in The Alamo 1960, directed by John Wayne

Why did the Texicans throw off Mexican rule? No doubt the fact that most of them wanted to have a system of government similar to what they had in America. Wikipedia tells us this about the war:

Animosity between the Mexican government and the settlers in Texas, including many settlers of Mexican ancestry, began with the Siete Leyes of 1835, when Mexican President and General Antonio López de Santa Anna abolished the federal Constitution of 1824 and proclaimed the more centralizing 1835 constitution in its place. The new laws were unpopular throughout Mexico, leading to secession movements and violence in several Mexican states.

There were religious elements as well. 

Some American immigrants and Mexican citizens were accustomed to the rights they had in the U.S. that they did not have in Mexico. For example, Mexico did not protect Freedom of Religion, instead requiring colonists to pledge their acceptance of Roman Catholicism; Mexican Law also required a tithe paid to the Catholic Church.

John Wayne converted to Catholicism, so this aspect was not mentioned in the movie. His conversion was probably later, but all his wives were Catholic. 

Another aspect that was not mentioned is that in Mexico slavery was illegal. Since there were 5000 slaves in Texas, you can see the economic aspects of the Texas revolution as well. So for good and bad reasons, Texas became independent in 1836.

The pattern we have been seeing for false flags continues in the Texas Revolution. We have a false cinematic impression of the war. Brave fighters against the evil, dark skinned foe is the meme. Important issues like slavery are ignored. While if I had been a Texican, I would have supported the revolution, hopefully I would have seen the whole picture.

As America leaves two wars and prepare to head to another war, can we see the big picture? 

Saturday I will talk about the American-Mexican War. 


Fractional Reserve Banking. 

This is an interesting historical video about our banking system and how it evolved over the centuries. 

Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve from Mises Media on Vimeo.


In 18 And 14 I Took A Little Trip ...

I have often in the past commented that few of America's wars were justified. One war that I would mention as justified was the war of 1812. There were a number of legitimate grievances that the young republic had with England. The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War required that England give up their forts in the West—in what is now the American Midwest. Instead, they kept them and armed the Indians and tried to establish an Indian confederation in the area. Of course the English Empire could have cared less about the Indians, they wanted a counterbalancing force against America. 

Another issue was that English ships would seize American-flagged ships and enslave the sailors to forced labor on English warships. There was a war with France, and England needed all the sailors they could get. Remember also that France was a traditional ally of America that had sold a huge swath of land to America, the Louisiana Purchase. 

My perspective has changed because of Facebook. Some Canadian Facebook friends pointed out that the real reason for the war was the desire of America to annex Canada. I had been deceived by the propaganda for the war. 

This is often how the false flags I have been talking about work. There are often legitimate grievances that are mentioned in the propaganda, but the real reasons are not mentioned quite so vocally.  Robert Wilson Lynd said, "The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions." Here is what Wiki thought about American expectations for "a short victorious war."

American leaders assumed that Canada could be easily overrun. Former President Jefferson optimistically referred to the conquest of Canada as "a matter of marching." Many Loyalist Americans had migrated to Upper Canada after the Revolutionary War, and the US assumed they would favor the American cause, but they did not.

The result was not a short victorious war but a war that killed 15,000—not counting Canadians and Indians of course! (For some reason the song about Billy the Kid keeps running through my head, "Billy killed 20 men, not counting Mexicans and Indians.") 

So when you hear legitimate grievances being aired in the media in a prelude to war, ask yourself a question, "Is this the real reason for the upcoming conflict?" Or is what is happening similar to what Vyacheslav von Plehve said in reference to the Russo-Japanese War: "What this country needs is a short, victorious war to stem the tide of revolution."

That war did not end well for Russia. Will the next war end well for America? I have a feeling we will know this year as the mania builds for a short victorious airstrike. More about this later. 




Told You I Did, Reckless Is He. 

The parallels between modern America and a police state become more and more evident each day. Republicans take note, do you really think McCain would have been any different? 


Another Planned Parenthood Video

I decided to post two videos today. this one is a followup to the Planned Parenthood video from last Sunday. I can see why this group eventually lost its affiliation with Planned Parenthood!