

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

Entries in Media (23)


Corporate Media Lies

But then again so does alternative media. Here is a good example of the echo chamber that is media, they don't even consder the memes they promote are false. 


Most News Is Fake

Most videos you see on the news is to some extent faked. That is just the nature of the news. There is a narrative, and that narrative determines what is broadcast. You are being played. 

This particular video was immediately removed after it was posted by the "White Helmets." But a copy had already been made: 

The White Helmets are funded by the West:

1: The White Helmets receive funding from UK ($65m via UK Foreign Office), US (US State Dept via USAID $ 23m), Holland ($ 4.5m), Germany ($ 7.87m) and Japan (undisclosed sum from the Intl Cooperation Agency), Denmark (undisclosed sum) – via the Mayday Rescue “foundation” that was set up by the British ex-military trainer of the White Helmets in order to transfer funding to the White Helmets. The White Helmets also receive equipment and supplies from various EU member states. This funding is concealed behind the generic heading of “Emergency Health and Relief Support to the Population Affected by the Crisis in Syria”, through the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG-ECHO), formerly known as the European Community Humanitarian Aid Office.

You can read the link for an alternative narrative on the White Helmets. 

But remember, you are being played. 


What If Jesus Was Appointed to Trump's Cabinet? 

Jesus as Secretary of Defense Obviously, this is absurd. But my purpose here is to outline what would be said about Jesus if he was nominated for a cabinet position. 

  • Jesus' parents were forced to get married.
  • Jesus was a troubled youth that ran away from home. 
  • Even though Jesus was a professional man, he relied on women for his livelihood. He did not work. 
  • One of men closest to Jesus was a known terrorist. Another associate committed suicide. Another associate betrayed him at the end. 
  • Jesus compared people of a different ethic background than himself to dogs.
  • Jesus never married. You know what that means. 
  • His supporters burnt Rome.
  • His supporters refused to show allegiance to our nation (by burning incense to the emperor). 
  • Jesus is a Jew. 
  • Jesus is a phony faith healer. 
  • Jesus supported a law that condemned homosexuality. 
  • Jesus told stories rather than use plain language in order to deceive his listeners. 

Jesus would never be confirmed to Trump's cabinet. 

My point is not to say that Trump's picks are great. My point is that the quality, or lack of it, to Trump's picks don't matter. He is Trump. The same kind of thing took place with Obama, Bush and Clinton. It just depends on the political orientation of a particular media outlet. 

Don't be deceived. 


Media Deception: Caught in a Loop

If you think that the news media is saying the same thing over and over again, it is because it is. Even Saturday Night Live notices it, that is now obvious it is. 

There are a number of tricks that media uses to deceive the viewer. Repetition like this is one of them. This is a well known public speakers technique. Another is the man in the street interview. The editor selects the worst possible subject from the many interviews they have done. Or from their point of view the best possible suspect based on the narrative they are trying to sell. Thus an interview I saw about a Trump voter took place in a smoky pool hall. This supposedly represented the "working man."

Notice also the use of accents in the ones chosen to participate in interviews or in presenters they hire. A person from the South will imply that the person is slow and rather stupid. This is absurd, but that is how a southern accent sounds to many viewers. This is why a potential actor or presenter with an accent will lose their accent as quickly as possible. I remember hearing the actor that played Adama in Battlestar Galactica in an interview. He had a rather lower class British accent that he lost for the role. Note also the occasional hiring of a presenter with posh British accent. This sounds intelligent and suave to the average viewer. John Oliver was hired for his accent more than anything else. It is especially effective when someone with such an accent curses. This is done for the effect it gives the viewer. 

Everything you watch on TV is designed for the effect it gives the viewer, do not be deceived. Being aware of these techniques is the first step. Discussing these manipulatively shows, especially with your children, is extremely important. 


Panic in the Year Zero

I blogged about this movie in December. Click here to review my post. I remember watching the movie from an early Saturday morning or a late night creature feature in the 70's. With movies like this available free on YouTube, do you need cable? (My tongue is firmly placed in my check on that question.) But seriously I do watch a lot of YouTube, and for me it is a good and free alternative to modern TV fare. YouTube plus Netflix ($16 for 1 DVD and streaming), plus Hulu ($8) added to Russian Internet TV ($18) for my wife is all we need. I may even drop the Hulu. Right now I am going through Midsommer Murders on Netflix streaming. Maybe next week I will share that Sci-Fi classic, Day of the Triffids! Cut the Cable!