

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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You Do The Math

Vox Day said this recently in his collumn:

As for those Republicans who believe Rep. Paul is sound on domestic policy but too naïve with regard to foreign policy, I suggest they consider the following question: Do you believe the United States is going to be in any position to project global military power when it is completely bankrupt? Even – no, especially – if you believe in the supreme importance of American maintaining the most powerful military in the world, Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate you can rationally support.

This is the basic problem no one is talking about, the "elephant in the room." Like the gorrilla video I posted a few days ago, we do not see the obvious. We are blind to it.

It really does not matter if our military expenditures are "needed" or not. We can not afford them. We need to cut spending right now by 40%. This includes Medicare and Social Security. If we exempt any portion of the budget from cuts, then the cuts have to be more severe on the rest of the budget. If we do not cut defense, then we need to cut all other spending by 55%. If we exempt Defense, Social Security and medical benefits from the cuts, then we need to cut the rest of the budget 120%. 

You do the math. 

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Reader Comments (1)

Why so pessimistic??

Maybe the Germans will "bail us out" too!

Eddie H. Nessul
Amboy, CA

(Read Names Backwards!)

November 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEddie H. Nessul

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