

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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We Are Already at War with Iran

One reason I will not vote for president this year is that I do not think there is much difference between the two candidates that have a chance of winning the election. 

I have three issues that I think are important. 

I wish we lived in a world where every country had appropriate labor and environmental laws. In such a world, I would support free trade. We do not live in that world. China pollutes the air and the water with little or no regulation. In such a world we need tariffs. Obamney supports free trade. 

We are spending our way into national bankruptcy. Tweddledeebama thinks that we can grow spending by 5% a year, Tweddledumney thinks we can grow spending at 4% a year. This is nuts. It will not happen. 

The final issue that concerns me is the coming war in Iran. While Romney appears to talk more bellicose than Obama, it really does not matter as we are already at war with Iran. 

All Things D had this to say on our war with Iran:

It is a big package of software that apparently offers an attacker something like a Swiss Army knife, because it can do a lot of things that might be called for. It can monitor a computer’s network traffic, including tracking which Web sites are visited, and log and copy email coming in and going out. It can turn on a computer’s internal microphone and record conversations in the room and presumably send audio files of those recorded conversations to someone who will listen to them. Ditto with a machine’s internal Web cam. It can record what characters are typed on the keyboard, thereby capturing sensitive information like passwords and other user credentials that can be used later. It can capture shots of what is being displayed on a computer’s screen.

Seen in the wild some weeks back, the Washington Post, citing Western intelligence officials, reported today that Flame was created by the combined efforts and resources of the U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies. The story matches and fills in some details on reporting by the New York Times on the same subject.

Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians are three blind mice.In other words we have already fired the first shot at Iran in league with Israel. All Things D Continues:

First, if the U.S. views attacks in cyberspace the same as other attacks, then how is a country being attacked supposed to see that? If the U.S. reserves the right to respond to a cyber attack with an air strike, does that not mean that Iran can do the same thing? And if the U.S. is launching attacks, shouldn’t there be some overt public acknowledgement of that fact? Yes, I’ll grant, fighting with bits is preferable to fighting with bullets and bombs, but if it’s the Obama Administration’s position that fighting with one is legally equal to fighting with another, shouldn’t one be done as readily in the open as the other? Warfare requires a degree of public approval. Espionage doesn’t.

If the US does something that they look at as war if done to the US, isn't that war by the US' own definition? 

While Romney talks big, Obama has already started the war. Does it matter who is elected to finish the war? A vote for Obamney is a vote for war. 

Me, vote for war? To quote a fictional figure from Melville, not his famous whale but Bartleby, "I prefer not to." 

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