

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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Faction Colors

The Steeler Fan on my tech podcast of choice.I saw my usual tech podcast this week. The host was wearing 49ers paraphernalia, as was only expected for a resident of Silicon Valley. He was sitting next to a Stealers fan, who for some reason did not express much interest in the game. I assumed from this that the 49ers were in the Super Bowl, but the Steelers were not. I am not sure. 

There were riots in Egypt over a soccer game that resulted in a loss for the favored faction. Many died. The government arrested and convicted the murders to hang. The result? More riots and over 100 dead. That game must have been very important. The riots associated with a soccer game are the strongest argument that could be made against expecting people unprepared culturally for democracy to govern themselves. 

Such faction thinking is old. The gladiator games in Rome had it.

The drivers of the chariots (aurigae or agitatores) that raced in the circus wore team (faction) colors. Originally, the factions were the White and Red, but Green and Blue were added during the Empire. Domitian introduced short-lived Purple and Gold factions. By the fourth century A.D., the White faction had joined the Green, and the Red had joined the Blue. The factions attracted fanatically loyal supporters.

The more I think about the sports world, the more I understand that it is a part of the system designed to distract us with trivialities. Does it matter in the least who wins tomorrow's game? Wll the 49ers or their opponents win? (I did not bother to google to see who their opponent will be.) Who cares? I do not have cable or broadcast TV, so I have no easy way to watch it. Last year I went to the trouble to use my iPad and broadcast the game to my TV. I understand I can do the same this time. I may. But if you decide to watch tomorrow's big game, and I am as much in favor of mindless entertainment as the next guy, understand that this is a distraction from far more important matters. Does it matter who won the Super Bowl 5 years ago? Do you remember? I do not even remember last year's game. That being the case, I suggest that tomorrow's game does not matter either. 

While an afternoon of mindlessness will not harm you, ask yourself a question, "Is this afternoon of mindlessness a symptom of a life of mindlessness?" If the answer is yes, I suggest you make some changes. Would Jesus waste his time with professional sports? 

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